Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jon Stewart Rapes Cramer and then Riley talks about it


Unedited Interview Part 1

Unedited Interview Part 2

Unedited Interview Part 3- When it gets Hot and Heavy

And for peace of mind-Bill O'Rilley's point of view.

1 comment:

  1. dude.

    reminds me of when Stewart KO'd CNN's Crossfire years ago...

    you know this society is in for a rude awakening when it takes our comedians to expose the bullshit.

    people need to see these videos.

    and bill o'reilly...well, he's afraid he's next to get the smackdown on the Daily Show...dude doesn't even let people finish a'd be a dream to see Jon punish O'Reilly theatrics, but maybe I've drank too much Obamalade to expect that kind of justice.

    good looks lachabenn


Eh Amigo! Whats on your mind?