Sunday, March 14, 2010

For Sprint Customers

So i am watching the Simpsons with Chase and Michell and a Sprint Commercial comes on "Sprint, any mobile to mobile, all data exchange  for $69.99"
That is great except I am paying $99.99 for the same thing!  

If this is the case for you, call Sprint, they will drop your rate down to the $69.99 without a new contract and without messing up your phone exchange.  The only difference between the $99.99 plan and the $69.99 plan is the ability to call land lines.  You only have 450 minutes of landline (including 1-800 numbers) between 7 and 7  Monday thru Friday---Big Deal. 7 1/2 hours. 

Call Sprint.

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Eh Amigo! Whats on your mind?