I'm obsessed with Daft Punk
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Best thing I've heard all year
Less the kid cudi song
"I just want to say that I have always felt that people lable stuff just so they can use it as an excuse to not really "see" something for what it is but merely look at it" - KMW
One love, much love and congrats to the Berwyn UMD grads today. Sorry I couldn't be around for the celebration but ill see y'all folks at Da Beeech Man.
Sent on the Now Network� from my Sprint® BlackBerry
"I just want to say that I have always felt that people lable stuff just so they can use it as an excuse to not really "see" something for what it is but merely look at it" - KMW
One love, much love and congrats to the Berwyn UMD grads today. Sorry I couldn't be around for the celebration but ill see y'all folks at Da Beeech Man.
Sent on the Now Network� from my Sprint® BlackBerry
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Earlier Adam and I split a medium Mocha McCafe. Its been an hour. I can see my heart beating through my shirt. I wish I had the ability to "control" the effects of caffeine.
Hang in there Cuz.
Sent on the Now Network� from my Sprint® BlackBerry
Hang in there Cuz.
Sent on the Now Network� from my Sprint® BlackBerry
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Scratching the Surface by Vhilis
Torres Vedras, Portugal Camera/Edition - Pedro Patrocinio Music - Gustavo Santaolalla Work by Vhils http://www.Vhils.com/
Torres Vedras, Portugal Camera/Edition - Pedro Patrocinio Music - Gustavo Santaolalla Work by Vhils http://www.Vhils.com/
Monday, May 18, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
BREAKING NEWS: Police's unjustified actions Kick in the Head
more to come. the Dept hasn't spoken on the incident.
more to come. the Dept hasn't spoken on the incident.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Hump Day Laughs
TOP THREE all in one video (1:36)
IKEA banned campaign "Tidy Up" I have to admit this is over the top...but they are Swedish, and some how that makes it "ok" and acceptable. Right?
TOP THREE all in one video (1:36)
IKEA banned campaign "Tidy Up" I have to admit this is over the top...but they are Swedish, and some how that makes it "ok" and acceptable. Right?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
A. Growing. Experince.
When I woke up this morning the first thing I remembered was a question someone asked at the station yesterday "do you lie to girls about your age?" I don't date girls I date women and from experience I know women, less cougars, prefer experince-unless they seek a lap dog then yea younger works. It strikes me as odd because I didn't get it when I was in college. I don't know if I get it at 25 but at least I am aware of it now: the benefits of age.
As I think back about the last quarter century of my life and what I wanted from it, I see myself meeting every goal I've set for myself less one.
GED, dual bachelors degree, ABA, ISAR, IMBA and wild fire training certifications served a year in Americorp, georgetown, saved a life, help someone give birth(gross btw), fought off law school to travel across the country, lived in three states (without mommy or daddy), five countries, met some of the most awesome people in the world, organized two protest, loved, lost people I loved, missed death twice, fought for something I was passionate about, raced a lexas, beemer, Mercedes and jaguar, played a sport for scholarship, ran two successful business, met a president, a vice president, three mayors, three senators, 101 different 'artist.'
A growing experience cannot occur while ones' nose is stuck in a book or body is stuck in a bubble. I'm happy for every failure and every success I've experience things I'd only experience with time, with age. Last week at 25-cant wait for the next 25!
Sent on the Now Network� from my Sprint® BlackBerry
As I think back about the last quarter century of my life and what I wanted from it, I see myself meeting every goal I've set for myself less one.
GED, dual bachelors degree, ABA, ISAR, IMBA and wild fire training certifications served a year in Americorp, georgetown, saved a life, help someone give birth(gross btw), fought off law school to travel across the country, lived in three states (without mommy or daddy), five countries, met some of the most awesome people in the world, organized two protest, loved, lost people I loved, missed death twice, fought for something I was passionate about, raced a lexas, beemer, Mercedes and jaguar, played a sport for scholarship, ran two successful business, met a president, a vice president, three mayors, three senators, 101 different 'artist.'
A growing experience cannot occur while ones' nose is stuck in a book or body is stuck in a bubble. I'm happy for every failure and every success I've experience things I'd only experience with time, with age. Last week at 25-cant wait for the next 25!
Sent on the Now Network� from my Sprint® BlackBerry
Monday, May 11, 2009
28 years ago -a legend returns home

“Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality . Wake Up and Live!”
“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our
"Open your eyes, Look within. Are you satisfied with the life you are living?"
Robert "Bob" Nesta Marley died today May 11th 1981 at age of 36. The musician, activist and prophet of the Rastafarian religion, succumb to a four year infection of cancer. In order to adhere to Rastafarian traditions and beliefs Marley refused potentially life saving medical treatment for the cancer. Marley was buried in Jamaica with his Gibson Les Paul guitar, a bible, a soccer ball, and a bud of Cannabis.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day To ALL
I have to send a special "Happy Mother's Day" to Taylor down in the TX! Taylor is a new mother and she has her hands full! She is busy with her beautiful new born daughter, school and trying to find a place to live. Maybe you can help her out.*
Reply to: hous-jpjwm-1157732723@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-05-06, 2:18PM CDT
Mother's and people with kind hearts if you have any help for her advice, network, cash flow, baby stuff let me know i'll let her know .
I love you Mom(s)!
Mom, Grandma, Carmen, Aunt Marylin, Aunt Sharon, Aunt Shelby, Jess (x2), Ashleigh, Karen and Alison TODO!!!Happy Mother's Day! Feliz Dia de Madre!
I have to send a special "Happy Mother's Day" to Taylor down in the TX! Taylor is a new mother and she has her hands full! She is busy with her beautiful new born daughter, school and trying to find a place to live. Maybe you can help her out.*
Reply to: hous-jpjwm-1157732723@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-05-06, 2:18PM CDT
Hello my name is Taylor and I am looking for somewhere to live that will allow kids and my dog Coley shes 6 weeks old at the moment and should get to be 30 ponds max. I really need somewhere to live my boyfriend and I currently broke up and he wants me to move out of our apartment after I come back from a trip I am taking to Minnesota this June. ill be back on the 15th maybe sooner so i would like to meet some people and talk about living situation and if myself and my daughter would feel comfortable living there. I am very kind dont mind smoking would prefer a place where smoking is done outside for my daughters sake. I am 17 years old will be 18 in november this year. I graduated from high school a year and a half early. I am very responsible and pay rent on time every time. I would prefer to move somewhere that I wouldnt have to be on a lease just incase I decide to move again. Maybe a month to month lease agreement? I would like to pay $400 a month including utilties for a 1 bedroom maybe even a bathroom just for us. If you have anything that is pretty big and has a nice size closet for my daughter and I's belongs that would be nice. But I'm open minded just need somewhere to live really. Theres a pic of me and my daughter at the bottom we both look different than that now but very similar and a pic i got of the internet of a pup that looks just like mine but mine doesnt have a white chin.
Thank you for your time
Mother's and people with kind hearts if you have any help for her advice, network, cash flow, baby stuff let me know i'll let her know .
I love you Mom(s)!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
UMD students Rally to save 9 acres

Davey Rogner (left) and Clark DeLong in the wooded area the university plans to clear. (Baltimore Sun photo / May 6, 2009)
The University of Maryland, College Park aspires to be one of the "greenest" institutions of higher education in the country and plans to celebrate Friday its designation as an arboretum and "tree campus."But some students and professors say the administration is missing the forest for the trees by planning to bulldoze nearly 9 acres of woods on the sprawling 1,400-acre campus to make way for maintenance sheds, a mail-handling depot and a parking lot for the university's buses and trucks.
"The university says they're going to become carbon neutral by 2050, but they make a decision to cut down 9 acres of forest on the campus," said Davey Rogner, a senior from Silver Spring who's majoring in environmental restoration.He and others plan to stage what one student leader called a "protestabration" Friday at the arboretum festivities, to highlight their concerns about how the loss of the woods conflicts with the university's commitment to the environment.
University officials say they need to use most of the 15-acre wooded hill behind the Comcast Center to relocate support facilities that are to be displaced by the redevelopment on east campus that will bring more stores, eateries, entertainment and graduate student housing. They say putting the maintenance operations anywhere but on the wooded tract would be too costly or pose too many environmental problems.
University officials say they need to use most of the 15-acre wooded hill behind the Comcast Center to relocate support facilities that are to be displaced by the redevelopment on east campus that will bring more stores, eateries, entertainment and graduate student housing. They say putting the maintenance operations anywhere but on the wooded tract would be too costly or pose too many environmental problems.
Anne G. Wylie, vice president for administrative affairs, suggests it's the critics, not the administration, who might need a refresher class in sustainability."This is a very complicated problem," she said, adding that she sees no conflict between bulldozing woods and the university's campaign to be rated one of the nation's greenest schools. The overall aim is to develop a more compact, walkable campus and reduce the amount of driving by students, faculty and staff, she explained. "It's not just about preserving trees."
A delegation of students, faculty and outside environmentalists met with Wylie on Wednesday afternoon, and she said afterward that she's willing to consider any alternatives they suggest. The bulldozer is "many, many months away," she said, though the university is nearing an agreement with a developer to proceed with the east campus project.
The campus festivities Friday will mark the first year of the college's arboretum designation, awarded by the American Public Gardens Association, that recognizes commitment to public education about trees and their value; and a "tree campus" designation from the Arbor Day Foundation.In addition, College Park currently is in second place in a nationwide contest to be declared "America's Greenest Campus." The competition, sponsored by a pair of green companies, aims to get students, faculty and staff to reduce their carbon footprint and use less energy.The east campus redevelopment has been in planning for years, but the fate of the woods became an issue in February, when some students learned of the facility relocation plan and questioned it. The student government association unanimously adopted a resolution calling for an independent review of the issue."It's in our strategic plan, in our climate action plan, in our facilities plan that we will preserve green space and will do everything we can to have carbon-neutral development," said Joanna Calabrese, student government senior vice president and a junior from Columbia. "This goes against everything we stand for - at least as far as we can tell."Some professors and students say the woods are a valuable teaching laboratory as well as a precious natural resource.Ray Weil, a professor of soil science, said he takes his classes to the woods to study the soil and how it functions in an ecosystem. The university dug him a "soil pit" there a few years ago so students could examine the layers of dirt beneath the surface. The ground contains Sassafras soil, Maryland's official state soil, Weil said."There are very little of the natural woods left," said Weil. "It does seem like a shame to put yet more paved parking surface on campus when we have so much of it."Joe Sullivan, associate professor of plant science and landscape architecture, said he holds class behind Comcast as well to let students see how forests grow and how they recover from natural catastrophes. A tornado that ripped through campus in 2001, killing two students, tore out and damaged trees."It's very nice to have a lab within walking distance where we can go out and see native species, the forest growth pattern and the structure of the [tree] canopy," he said.Sullivan said he and other faculty members intend to join students Saturday for a teach-in of sorts about the ecological functions and values of the woods.Other faculty members are trying to steer clear of the controversy.
Marla McIntosh, a professor of urban forestry and director of the university's arboretum and botanical garden, said she's focused on researching the thousands of trees on campus and developing them better as a teaching tool. So far, some 7,000 trees have been identified, she said, and school officials are putting up signs to identify 56 different ones along a marked "tree walk."McIntosh said she hasn't become involved in the university's development plans but doesn't see a disconnect between leveling the woods and being committed to sustainability."As an urban forester, the concept of wanting to keep contiguous space I wholly believe in," she said. "But sometimes things just don't work out."
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
"Puke In My Mouth" Hump Day Laugh
Two responses to "Jizz in my Pants" for the Ladies!!!!
Ms. Taken's Response
another response claims to be the original-has the girl from The Office in it
Two responses to "Jizz in my Pants" for the Ladies!!!!
Ms. Taken's Response
another response claims to be the original-has the girl from The Office in it
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Congrats to Homos! D.C. now recognizes same-sex marriage. Couples that legally wed in Iowa, Vermont, Mass, New Hamp, and formally California, will have their marriage recognized in the District of Columbia. The measured was passed by a vote of 12 to 1. Who wants to guess who the "1" was?
D.C.'s finest politician Former Mayor Marion Barry (D-Ward 8). I've sought long and hard to find a transcript of his exact words at the council meeting this afternoon but the news is to fresh and FIOA is not quick but i'll paraphrase what i heard on NPR "This isn't a personal decision its one of morals"-"I'm not against the vote or the decision or those who side with the issue, i just can't bring my self to support it"
OH Marion! do you remember what you said on April 28th during your anti marriage equality rally? No? I got you!
"There are a lot of issues that we agree on, there are some that we don't agree on, but....we have to say no to same sex marriage in D.C." then he urged the crowd to "pack the city council chambers" on May 5th (today when the board voted) "You can't just talk about it, brother, you have to work for it. You've got to go across the street and walk the halls of City Council, confront all 12 of [the Council members,] eye to eye, morality against immorality."
YO Marion do you know what is immoral? CRACK-COCAINE!
You know what else is F-ing Immoral? The fact that you spent the first part of your political "career" defending the rights and equal treatment of Black Americans! and now you stand there with a group of mostly African American's and your coward friends and hypocrite Pastors and say that consensual adult marriage is immoral? What is paying for prostitution and Crack with tax payer's money? a hobby? You are a flipping idiot dude and so are those who've voted for you and supported you all these years. I believe in second chances but in your case i believe you've been too fortunate.
I'm disgusted.
Yay for Gays!
The Associated Press
Tuesday, May 5, 2009; 12:12 PM
Congrats to Homos! D.C. now recognizes same-sex marriage. Couples that legally wed in Iowa, Vermont, Mass, New Hamp, and formally California, will have their marriage recognized in the District of Columbia. The measured was passed by a vote of 12 to 1. Who wants to guess who the "1" was?
D.C.'s finest politician Former Mayor Marion Barry (D-Ward 8). I've sought long and hard to find a transcript of his exact words at the council meeting this afternoon but the news is to fresh and FIOA is not quick but i'll paraphrase what i heard on NPR "This isn't a personal decision its one of morals"-"I'm not against the vote or the decision or those who side with the issue, i just can't bring my self to support it"
OH Marion! do you remember what you said on April 28th during your anti marriage equality rally? No? I got you!
"There are a lot of issues that we agree on, there are some that we don't agree on, but....we have to say no to same sex marriage in D.C." then he urged the crowd to "pack the city council chambers" on May 5th (today when the board voted) "You can't just talk about it, brother, you have to work for it. You've got to go across the street and walk the halls of City Council, confront all 12 of [the Council members,] eye to eye, morality against immorality."
YO Marion do you know what is immoral? CRACK-COCAINE!
You know what else is F-ing Immoral? The fact that you spent the first part of your political "career" defending the rights and equal treatment of Black Americans! and now you stand there with a group of mostly African American's and your coward friends and hypocrite Pastors and say that consensual adult marriage is immoral? What is paying for prostitution and Crack with tax payer's money? a hobby? You are a flipping idiot dude and so are those who've voted for you and supported you all these years. I believe in second chances but in your case i believe you've been too fortunate.
I'm disgusted.
Yay for Gays!
The Associated Press
Tuesday, May 5, 2009; 12:12 PM
WASHINGTON -- After an emotional debate, the D.C. Council has given final approval to legislation that recognizes same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions.
Tuesday's vote is considered the first step toward eventually allowing gay marriages to be performed in Washington.
The issue now goes before Congress, which has final say over the city's laws.
The vote was 12-to-1, with former Mayor Marion Barry casting the lone opposing vote. He called it an "agonizing and difficult decision" that he made after prayer and consulting with the religious community.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Where is your food from?
Do you know what’s in your shopping cart? Although this may seem
like a simple question, there’s more to the apples, cucumbers, peas
and other fruits and vegetables you buy than meets the eye. Many
Americans don’t know that they are consuming more imported fresh
fruits and vegetables, as well as canned and frozen produce and
fruit juice than ever before. However, these imports can contain
hidden dangers, as imported produce is more likely to contain
foodborne-illness causing bacteria and illegal levels of pesticides
than domestically grown fruit and vegetables. What’s worse, a
majority of these imports are unlabeled due to loopholes in
requirements for country-of-origin labeling.
Fortunately, there’s a new online tool by Food & Water Watch, a
national consumer advocacy group, to help consumers learn what
countries our produce comes from. The Global Grocer: Where is Your
Produce From? transports online visitors to a virtual supermarket,
displaying fresh, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables that top
grocery lists of many American consumers. After clicking on various
items to add them to a shopping cart, Global Grocer shoppers can
learn the likelihood of the food item being imported and from what
countries. For example, many Americans may be surprised to learn
that one out of four packages of frozen spinach is imported, and
that China alone produces one out of seven frozen spinach packages
Americans buy at the supermarket.
like a simple question, there’s more to the apples, cucumbers, peas
and other fruits and vegetables you buy than meets the eye. Many
Americans don’t know that they are consuming more imported fresh
fruits and vegetables, as well as canned and frozen produce and
fruit juice than ever before. However, these imports can contain
hidden dangers, as imported produce is more likely to contain
foodborne-illness causing bacteria and illegal levels of pesticides
than domestically grown fruit and vegetables. What’s worse, a
majority of these imports are unlabeled due to loopholes in
requirements for country-of-origin labeling.
Fortunately, there’s a new online tool by Food & Water Watch, a
national consumer advocacy group, to help consumers learn what
countries our produce comes from. The Global Grocer: Where is Your
Produce From? transports online visitors to a virtual supermarket,
displaying fresh, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables that top
grocery lists of many American consumers. After clicking on various
items to add them to a shopping cart, Global Grocer shoppers can
learn the likelihood of the food item being imported and from what
countries. For example, many Americans may be surprised to learn
that one out of four packages of frozen spinach is imported, and
that China alone produces one out of seven frozen spinach packages
Americans buy at the supermarket.
Go to
to start your shopping trip and learn more about the country of
origin of your favorite foods
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Love and Thanks
IF you get time this week-end read this and reflect but don't rush it.
One of my Mothers' "LifeLongers" (people you've spent their entire careers at IBM) sent her this-i usually delete things from my mother (sorry mom) but this one idk i just didnt.
Recently i've been thinking about life and how lucky I am to have moved to Berywn. I can't imagine meeting in my life a better more genuine group of people and such a unique set of individuals. Christian, Pearce, Brisco, Kerry, Hanna, Mich, Jake, Chase, Curt, Diego, Andrea, Amy, Davey, Becca ("if i forgot you, i don't hate you, that just my human nature you dig")-- I'd like to think that is us dancing and partying in that picture below..only they need a few more minorities in that pic eh?
Berwyn thanks for last night and every night. I love you guys.
and to my Diamonds across the country sTs, JR, FOX, BRY, The Stews(now one Foster :-P), B Led, JHS, RR, LAW, HC, Nate Dogg and Abster-i Really miss you guys-we should all try and meet in Athens for the first GA game this year-mini-reunion of sorts.
The Charles Schulz Philosophy!

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the?
'Peanuts' comic strip.
You don't have to actually answer the questions.
Just read the e-mail straight through, and you'll get the point.
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.
4. Name ten people who have won ?the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and
6. ?Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.?

How did you do?
The point is , none of us remember the headliners of yesterday.
These are no second-rate achievers.
They are the best in their fields.
But the applause dies..
Awards tarnish.
Achievements are forgotten.
Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult ?time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special!!
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.

The lesson:
The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials..
the most money...or the most awards.
They simply are the ones who care the most.

Pass this on to those people who have made a difference in your life, like I did.
'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!'

''Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Taken!"
IF you get time this week-end read this and reflect but don't rush it.
One of my Mothers' "LifeLongers" (people you've spent their entire careers at IBM) sent her this-i usually delete things from my mother (sorry mom) but this one idk i just didnt.
Recently i've been thinking about life and how lucky I am to have moved to Berywn. I can't imagine meeting in my life a better more genuine group of people and such a unique set of individuals. Christian, Pearce, Brisco, Kerry, Hanna, Mich, Jake, Chase, Curt, Diego, Andrea, Amy, Davey, Becca ("if i forgot you, i don't hate you, that just my human nature you dig")-- I'd like to think that is us dancing and partying in that picture below..only they need a few more minorities in that pic eh?
Berwyn thanks for last night and every night. I love you guys.
and to my Diamonds across the country sTs, JR, FOX, BRY, The Stews(now one Foster :-P), B Led, JHS, RR, LAW, HC, Nate Dogg and Abster-i Really miss you guys-we should all try and meet in Athens for the first GA game this year-mini-reunion of sorts.
The Charles Schulz Philosophy!
The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the?
'Peanuts' comic strip.
You don't have to actually answer the questions.
Just read the e-mail straight through, and you'll get the point.
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.
4. Name ten people who have won ?the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and
6. ?Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.?
How did you do?
The point is , none of us remember the headliners of yesterday.
These are no second-rate achievers.
They are the best in their fields.
But the applause dies..
Awards tarnish.
Achievements are forgotten.
Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult ?time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special!!
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
The lesson:
The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials..
the most money...or the most awards.
They simply are the ones who care the most.
Pass this on to those people who have made a difference in your life, like I did.
'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!'
''Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Taken!"
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